Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Talent a big challenge(part-4)

"Years ago, we used to develop a new appraisal system in head-quarters and then take it to Europe or Asia. Now, we wouldn't dream of doing anything like that. We include virtual teams from all regions in devising systems because we have just one uniform system across the corporation," said Steve Bartlett, vice-president, HR programmes, Eaton.

Operational heads look at opportunities globally, rising above the regional and moving with markets. Every year, some business or other moves out of a location, to be relocated elsewhere, for a variety of reasons, including cost proximity to the Customer or talent pool. This presents a challenge, too.

Trying to find the middle ground has been her approach, she admitted. Among other things, this has lead her to try for a mix of people who have worked for a long time with one company and those who come from out-side, bringing with them a fresh perspective.

“The organisation gets better with a mix of long service people and those who come from outside with a fresh perspective," Ms Cook said.


Vijay said...

Dear Skv,
I must congratulate you for this very well researched paper.
I have a request to make. You posted on 15 April,2007 an article on this blog titled "Foreign Exchange Reserves Part 1 to Part7]. There appear to be some problems with the blog/website because of which I cannot access the article.Will you kindly email to me the article[ All the seven patrs] at the following address:

Vijay said...

Dear SKV,
Pease email the aricle Foreign Exchange Reserves[Part 1 to Part7] posted by you on 15 April 2007 on "Banking and Finance" at I have already made the request to you on 14 October 2007.